Is this partial solution helpful or what we have referred to before as a "distracter?"
10,500 sounds like a lot of government, but is it really going to save money if you consolidate certain parts of government without first understanding
how services are provided in New York and,
more importantly, what the best alternatives are (see Best Practices Wiki, Virtual Constitution, Meta-Data Project etc in previous posts.)?
Once again we have a static report on which we purport to make sweeping legislative changes.
I personally believe it is a good thing to allow the public an easier route to modify their government through
referenda. I would have regularly scheduled "cycles of
referenda" in fact to keep the public engaged in a "dynamic process" rather than require the public to get signatures. I would also give the public broader powers to reform how they are governed generally.
Here I'm afraid is a partial solution which at the end of the day will not lead to significant cost reductions (especially on Long Island) because it does not include school districts and other large forms of government, where the bulk of the tax dollars go.
It also does not provide a clear methodology for determining cost savings based upon empirical data gathered neutrally and analyzed by collaborative means. How do I know this? Because it doesn't presently exist. But it should and it can with a reasonable effort.
Put simply. No one knows with any reasonable certainty the outcomes of their actions or legislation.
Again we have a lot of effort going for a partial solution when we can be putting more effort into crafting a broader framework for more sustainable progress in New York State.
The intent of the individuals involved, I'm sure, is noble and for the right reasons. But do we really need a another partial solution?
The problem may
seem to be insurmountable, but it is not. It just takes a little organization and a little collaboration to unleash the
immense talent of the individuals and organizations in our state.