Part of the current problem, as I see it anyway, with the current fiscal "crisis" on both the national (international) scene and the local scene is that the "public" does not have the "tools" it needs to help prevent crisis situations and therefore feels powerless, confused, frustrated and angry when then presented with a take it or else solution.
may even be said that those who we elect to govern us do not have the proper tools at their disposal either. Blaming others is easy. Fixing problems is hard work.
We will assume for the moment that "those in power" actually want the tools to see what reality looks like.
Now a cynic may say that this is all part of the grand design. After all what fun would there be legislating if the general public had access to the same information and analytical tools as those who were elected. What fun would there be in the media losing its place and power as the "fourth estate" if the public could inform itself.
To be even more cynical, there are those who would suggest that the public doesn't really want the ability to govern itself, because it is too much work and we
like to have people to blame when things go wrong.
I don't subscribe to that way of thinking.
So the
current "fiscal" crisis in just the
latest manifestation of the "cycle of stagnation" we've spoken about earlier on this site.
Is there too much government or is the government we have just ineffective? Isn't having a lot of well run local government (home rule) accountable to the public and working in a collaborative manner better than less government, but larger more ineffectual government? Can you even
have large effective government?
Here on Long Island, as elsewhere, we a experiencing the pain of "change" and here, like elsewhere, we have not, for the most part, prepared properly for what needs to be done.
The greatest tragedy of the current dilemma is not that we have to go through it and make, perhaps, bad decisions based on the lack of a clear understanding of the "meta-dimensional" aspects of our very existence.
No, the greatest tragedy would be repeat this "cycle of stagnation" and not take comprehensive steps to change the way we govern ourselves and thus
condemn future generations to this "old and outdated thinking."
One Long Island is an attempt at this "re-ordering."
"The universe is transformation; our life is what our thoughts make it."