Sunday, February 10, 2008

Creating Dynamic Commissions:Part One

We have posted many times previously about the creation of commissions that in turn create "static" reports not connected to any other report or body of knowledge on the same or related subject.

Here now is a new one. I have no doubt the parade of commissions will continue since we seem to be in love with the concept. We'll assume for the moment that the findings of the commission have not been "preordained" and that this commission (or any commission for that matter) is being convened to take an impartial, objective look at the issue(s) rather than being convened to certify an end result that an individual or individuals wish to effectuate.

It isn't as though creating commissions and issuing reports or findings is a bad thing. Quite the contrary, it can be of enormous value if done properly.

But think of what a commission is composed of. Usually it is composed of highly educated and/or experienced folks who are well thought of in their "community." They are busy people who nevertheless have consented to serve on a commission because they believe they can be helpful.

But their time is limited. As intelligent as they are, their knowledge and experience is limited. Their access to information is limited by the very nature of how information is organized in New York and elsewhere at present.

They will get the job done and issue a professional report. But it will be yet another "static" report and therefore limited in usefulness and subject to attack by dissenters. Maybe it will have an effect maybe not. At best it will solve only part of the issue.

"Dynamic Commissions" utilize the "dynamic, collaborative concepts" we've talked about on this site ad nauseum.

In Part Two we'll take a shot at constructing a "how to" manual for creating a dynamic commission.

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